Ethic of Control

Summarizing an ethic of control (from Embracing Travail by Cynthia Crysdale, pg 42)

  1. Assuming our actions produce clear results
  2. Responsible action is controlling outcomes
  3. The goal of our action is change
  4. We decide whether to do something based on how likely we view success

Summarizing an Ethic of Risk, pg 42

[[What kinds of words and language imply and ethic of risk? What words imply and ethic of control?]]

My understanding of an ethic of control

  • It is formulaic > A + B = C
  • The results of the action are predictable or we don’t take action
    • this seems like a recipe for learned helplessness
  • [[What are the underlying assumptions of an ethic of control?]]
    • efficiency?
    • dominance
    • manipulative
    • = [[Old Creation]]
  • you can function within an ethic of control even as your ultimate aims are good (new kingdom goals in old kingdom ways)
  • an ethic of control and risk is about the means. It says nothing about the ends.
  • Cruel Optimism is a form of an ethic of control