Old Creation

Mike Erre (Voxology Podcast) refers to Old Creation and New Creation dynamics…

Old Creation Dynamics are….

[[Unfettered by Mandy Smith]]

under the reign of domination, discord, and scarcity…” pg 32

Force, power, authoritarian

fix, control, comprehend pg 33

industrial-scale vs yeast pg 50

[[Embracing Travail by Cynthia Crysdale]]

Wink: system of domination” vs partnership community”

not by domination but by transformation” (61)

[[Voxology 294 - Rethinking Sin and Salvation]]

35:45 - old creation dynamics run on polish, excellence, strength, efficiency, control… new creation dynamics are things like invitation, weakness, humility, slow to speak quick to listen.” …”God increases, I decrease” 1:06 - rebellion, murder, anger, abuse, oppression, exploitation” 1:10 - exclusion, malice wrath, gossip, greed, lust those are all those are old creation dynamics that are all doomed to be destroyed according to Paul, and we engage in them they put us at risk to be destroyed along with them” 1:14:15 - we are save from old creation dynamics that have been unleashed by and furthered by human rebellion in partnership with the cosmic principalities and powers that consume and exploit” oppress that we are born into and that we consider common sense. These powers invite us into systems of thinking that we consider normal (or just being human)” 1:30 - sin confessions” I opened up an old creation dynamic”

What are my favorite forms of old creation dynamics, the ones that I most like to engage in? What about the culture’s most favorite? How do we like to wrap a veneer of new creation” around old creation….?

Old creation dynamics can’t just be a rejection of modern ways of things, because these dynamics have been in the world since the fall